كود تحذير: من فك شيفرة هاتف LG Stylo 3 Plus__Tp450 على server...Octoplus

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.

.:: Sebti _ Gsm ::.

:: مراقب قسم بوكسات الجيتاق JTAG ::
30 ديسمبر 2015
مستوى التفاعل
بعد السلام والتحية انبه اخواني مستعملين server...Octoplus
من فك شيفرة هاتف LG Stylo 3 Plus__Tp450......"بالكريدي"
لكي لا تتفاجئ بفشل عملية. وخصم 100 كريدي من حسابك



[LEFT]15/07/2019 22:20:51 > Platform: LG Qualcomm
15/07/2019 22:20:51 > Selected port: COM387
15/07/2019 22:20:51 > Selected model: TP450
15/07/2019 22:20:51 > Reading info...
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Model ID: LG-TP450
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > IMEI: 357016-08-276169-8
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Android version: 7.0
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Battery level: 64%
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Mode: Normal
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Firmware compiled date: Dec 24 2018
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Firmware compiled time: 02:00:00
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Firmware released date: Jan 29 2019
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Firmware released time: 18:27:12
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > SW Version: 15/07/2019 22:20:53 > MPSS.TA.2.3.c4-00034-8940_GEN_PACK-1.183227.2
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > IMEI: 357016-08-276169-8
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > SPC: 000000
15/07/2019 22:20:53 > Performed by 2.9.5 Software version.
15/07/2019 22:20:56 > Elapsed Time: 00:00:06
15/07/2019 22:23:33 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15/07/2019 22:23:33 > Checking data...15/07/2019 22:23:34 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:34 > Platform: LG Qualcomm
15/07/2019 22:23:34 > Selected port: COM387
15/07/2019 22:23:34 > Selected model: TP450
15/07/2019 22:23:34 > Reading info...
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Model ID: LG-TP450
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > IMEI: 357016-08-276169-8
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Android version: 7.0
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Battery level: 60%
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Mode: Normal
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Firmware compiled date: Dec 24 2018
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Firmware compiled time: 02:00:00
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Firmware released date: Jan 29 2019
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > Firmware released time: 18:27:12
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > SW Version: 15/07/2019 22:23:35 > MPSS.TA.2.3.c4-00034-8940_GEN_PACK-1.183227.2
15/07/2019 22:23:35 > IMEI: 357016-08-276169-8
15/07/2019 22:23:36 > SPC: 000000
15/07/2019 22:23:36 > Checking root access...
15/07/2019 22:23:36 > Initializing ADB...15/07/2019 22:23:36 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:36 > ADB Server was found. Trying to kill...
15/07/2019 22:23:36 > Waiting for phone...15/07/2019 22:23:39 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:43 > Phone is already rooted.
15/07/2019 22:23:45 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15/07/2019 22:23:45 > Connecting to server...15/07/2019 22:23:47 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:47 > Octopus smart card is present.
15/07/2019 22:23:47 > Checking smart card...15/07/2019 22:23:50 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:50 > Username: imilyp98
15/07/2019 22:23:50 > Authorizing...15/07/2019 22:23:50 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:50 > Checking balance...15/07/2019 22:23:51 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:51 > Checking operation...15/07/2019 22:23:53 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:53 > Sending device information...15/07/2019 22:23:55 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:55 > Get credits, needed for current operation...15/07/2019 22:23:58 > OK
15/07/2019 22:23:58 > Your balance: 200 credits.
15/07/2019 22:23:58 > To perform "Unlock" operation you need to have 100 credits.
15/07/2019 22:24:01 > Sending exploit...15/07/2019 22:24:02 > OK
15/07/2019 22:24:02 > Executing exploit...15/07/2019 22:24:08 > OK
15/07/2019 22:24:08 > Sending data to server...15/07/2019 22:24:51 > OK
15/07/2019 22:24:51 > Calculating. Please Wait...15/07/2019 22:25:27 > OK
15/07/2019 22:25:27 > Unlocking...
15/07/2019 22:25:59 > [SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"]Unlock Failed[/COLOR][/SIZE]
15/07/2019 22:25:59 > Please, reboot the phone and try again.
15/07/2019 22:25:59 > Rebooting phone...
15/07/2019 22:25:59 > Performed by 2.9.5 Software version.
15/07/2019 22:25:59 > Elapsed Time: 00:02:28
15/07/2019 22:26:18 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15/07/2019 22:26:18 > Connecting to server ...15/07/2019 22:26:19 > OK
15/07/2019 22:26:19 > Username: imilyp98
15/07/2019 22:26:19 > Authorizing...15/07/2019 22:26:20 > OK
15/07/2019 22:26:20 > Checking balance...15/07/2019 22:26:21 > OK
15/07/2019 22:26:21 > Your balance: 100 credits.[/LEFT]
ان شاء الله
جاري متابعتهم وملاحقتهم
رد: تحذير: من فك شيفرة هاتف LG Stylo 3 Plus__Tp450 على server...Octoplus

جزاك الله خيرا اخي على المعلومة
رد: تحذير: من فك شيفرة هاتف LG Stylo 3 Plus__Tp450 على server...Octoplus

السلام عليكم

بارك الله فيك شكراً
رد: تحذير: من فك شيفرة هاتف LG Stylo 3 Plus__Tp450 على server...Octoplus

ممكن في هده النسخة فيها مشكل فقد سبق وفكيت لنفس الهاتف وتمت بنجاح
بالتوفيق لك
رد: تحذير: من فك شيفرة هاتف LG Stylo 3 Plus__Tp450 على server...Octoplus

الحمد لله تم استرداد الرصيد

[LEFT]Welcome to Octoplus Box Samsung software version 2.8.1
Connecting to server...
Username: imilyp98
Checking balance...
Your balance: 200 credits.
Performed by 2.8.1 Software version.
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.