Firmware Tablette 7" Legend Kid Pad3 Model: PK07RKA20 full dump by LLCOOLR


:: عضو محترف ::, ,
23 فبراير 2014
مستوى التفاعل

الدمب كان بواسطة rkdumper

C:\rk>rkdumper dump

        rkDumper (version 1.01)
        Utility for Rockchip's firmware backup

        (c) RedScorpio, Moscow, 2014-2016

        ==========================[ START ]==========================

        --- Firmware dumping ---

        -- Devices enumerating --

        Devices table (found 11 USB devices):
        1       Device #0: USB Root Hub
        2       Device #1: USB Root Hub
        2.2     Device #2: Périphérique de stockage de masse USB
                VID = 0x096e, PID = 0x0403, REV = 0x0100
                        Disk    #2
        3       Device #3: USB Root Hub
        4       Device #4: USB Root Hub
        5       Device #5: USB Root Hub
        5.1     Device #6: Périphérique d'interface utilisateur USB
                VID = 0x062a, PID = 0x0000, REV = 0x0000
        6       Device #7: USB Root Hub
        6.1     Device #8: Périphérique USB composite
                VID = 0x2207, PID = 0x0010, REV = 0x0222
                        Disk    #3
        7       Device #9: USB Root Hub
        8       Device #10: USB Root Hub

        Found:  MSC device (debug on 2207:0010) #8

        Found MSC Rockchip device

        -- Rockchip MSC device switching --

        Found MSC Rockchip device

        Disk to switch found
        Command to switch sent successfully
        Wait for the switch to LOADER mode and press any key
        -- Devices enumerating --

        Devices table (found 11 USB devices):
        1       Device #0: USB Root Hub
        2       Device #1: USB Root Hub
        2.2     Device #2: Périphérique de stockage de masse USB
                VID = 0x096e, PID = 0x0403, REV = 0x0100
                        Disk    #2
        3       Device #3: USB Root Hub
        4       Device #4: USB Root Hub
        5       Device #5: USB Root Hub
        5.1     Device #6: Périphérique d'interface utilisateur USB
                VID = 0x062a, PID = 0x0000, REV = 0x0000
        6       Device #7: USB Root Hub
        7       Device #8: USB Root Hub
        8       Device #9: USB Root Hub
        8.5     Device #10: Rockusb Device
                VID = 0x2207, PID = 0x292c, REV = 0x0100

        Found:  LOADER device (RK3026/RK3028 2207:292c) #10

        Found LOADER Rockchip device

        PARM sign found

        Manufacturer:   Hynix (0x02)
        Flash size:     8480MB (0x01090000)
        Full size:      8480MB (0x01090000)
        Block size:     4096KB
        Page size:      16KB
        ECC bits:       40
        Access time:    32
        Flash CS:       0 (0x01)
                CS0: ad de 14 a7 42

        Partition "misc"                saved (format: unknown)
        Partition "kernel"              saved (format: RockChip KRNL s
        Partition "boot"                saved (format: RockChip KRNL s
        Partition "recovery"            saved (format: Android boot im
        Partition "backup"              saved (format: RockChip update
        Partition "cache"               saved (format: ext4 image)
        Partition "userdata"            saved (format: ext4 image)
        Partition "metadata"            saved (format: ext4 image)
        Partition "kpanic"              saved (format: unknown)
        Partition "system"              saved (format: ext4 image)
        Partition "user"                skipped

        -- Rockchip LOADER device resetting --

        Found LOADER Rockchip device

        Command to reset sent successfully
        Command to reset confirmed

        Configuration file for RKAndroidTool v.1.xx (8-bit) created
        Configuration file for RKAndroidTool v.2.xx (16-bit) created
        ==========================[ STOP  ]==========================


  • 1.JPG
    120.2 KB · المشاهدات: 2,026
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