شرح تثبيت + حلول لمشاكل تواجه مستخدم (Dongle Hydra)

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:: مراقب قسم السوفت ويير والبرمجة ::
11 نوفمبر 2019
مستوى التفاعل

اخواني اعضاء المنتدى الجزائري للمحمول

هنا توضع (HYDRA) شرح تثبيت + حلول تواجه المستخدم HYDRA Dongle

أي اخ لديه مشكلة لا يوجد حلها بالموضوع
يتفضل يضع موضوع جديد في هذا القسم و اذن الله نحاول مساعدته بكل ما نستطيع

** Hydra Tool Offical Web Page **

How to Install Hydra driver, run its Applications & facing problem while installing

كيفية تثبيت و تشعيل واجهات HYDRA TOOL

How to Install Hydra driver, run its Applications (Main, SPD, MTK, Qualcomm) & facing problems while installing

تم التطرق للطريقة وبالفيديو من طرف الاخ الكريم كقاح ProfKefah

كيفية تنزيل وتثبيت دونجل هيدرا تول hydra tool

شرح كتابي

Download Alcor driver and install

Connect Hydra Dongle and install its driver properly
Download Hydra software and install ( Download Full Package)


Download all MTK, SPD, Qualcomm, Pre-loader and CDC Drivers and install them before we plug the device (Cellphone / Device)


Run Hydra HUM Tool. (If you get problem to run it, re-download it and run it again.)
You need to connect internet to register Hydra Tool. Please connect it before start registration
Click on registration icon on the left column (MAN icon)
Fill your registration information like Name, Email, Password, country etc
Click on "Activation" . After this, check the message "Activation is success


Update "DB" (Update database only), Update All and Update Module Files if necessary from top left side of HUM Tool
Run Application MTK, SPD, Qualcomm etc. from left column (Crocodile / Alligator icon)
Update DB (Database) of each application bottom down (db icon)
If you face any problem something like .dll missing, install Visual Basic Run Time File


Start Earning! Good Luck
كيف يمكنني معرفة حالة الخادم لأجهزة Xiaomi سرفر hydra

كيف يمكنني معرفة حالة الخادم لأجهزة Xiaomi سرفر hydra

How can I know about Server status of Xiaomi Devices (Cellphone/mobile)

visit the link below

Note: Hydra Server will not reply if your phone has "Find Device On". That means, device only works if the status of "Find my device" is off status.
تم اكتشاف تطبيق برنامج Eltima

تم اكتشاف تطبيق برنامج Eltima

Eltima Software Application Detected

If "Eltima software application" is detected by Hydra Tool, you have to remove it manually. Otherwise you can not run Hydra Dongle

How to remove Eltima software

Check the link below for this

You must do little bit exercise or you have to call technical support to remove such a malware to remove from PC
إرسال مفتاح init خاطئ ، يرجى التوقف وإلا فسيتم تجميد الدونجل الخاص بك

محاولة playdongle / إرسال مفتاح init خاطئ ، يرجى التوقف وإلا فسيتم تجميد الدونجل الخاص بك


This sometimes happns if your Computer time is not properly set up. So, check your computer /laptop date and time properly before you run Hydra Tool.

This might be using such a software that tries to find Hydra Securities. or other reason. We request you, do not use such software or application else you loose your dongle forever.

If the reason is good or it blocked without unknown reason, you can post here to unlock/unblock the dongle

خطأ .... توقف التطبيق .......... "الرجاء تحديث قاعدة البيانات"

خطأ .... توقف التطبيق .......... "الرجاء تحديث قاعدة البيانات"

Error.....Application freezes........."Please Update Database

Sometimes application (MTK, SPD, Qualcomm module etc.) freezes and it does not function. For this you have to update data base (DB)
You can update data base (DB) two ways

You can update data base from Hydra Humtool from where you had registered the Hydra Tool. Update "DB" (Update database only), Update All and Update Module Files if necessary from top left side of HUM Tool

You can update data base from each application (MTK, Qualcomm, SPD etc applications). Update DB (Database) of each application bottom down DB icon
يمكنك الوصول ومعرفة كل شيء من أداة Hydra Tool بنفسك - نحن نتحلى بالشفافية

يمكنك الوصول ومعرفة كل شيء من أداة Hydra Tool بنفسك - نحن نتحلى بالشفافية

You can reach and know everything of Hydra Tool yourself - we are transparent

What is hydra Tool - visit the hyper link

Modules Hydra tool supports - visit the hyper link

Brands Hydra tool supports - visit the hyper link

Downloading Hydra Software - visit the hyper link

Manual of Hydra Tool - visit this hyper link

Drivers of Hydra Tool - visit the hyper link

Hydra Face Book site - visit the hyper link

Support of Hydra Tool - visit the hyper link

Reseller of hydra Tool - visit the hyper link

More support

you can send private message, e-mail to the supporters, managers etc. They love and ready to help you 7 days and 24 hours

كيفية إصلاح الكاميرا ، BT ، Wifi e.t.c باستخدام أداة Hydra

كيفية إصلاح الكاميرا ، BT ، Wifi e.t.c باستخدام أداة Hydra

How to fix Camera, BT, Wifi e.t.c with Hydra Tool

Just flash "Presist" and "presistbak" files manually to fix Camera, Bluetooth, wifi etc. just like below


Note: This is an example of repairing camera, bluetooth, wifi etc. of Redmi Note6 pro (tulip) device
ماذا علي أن أفعل ، إذا لم يتم تشغيل البرنامج أو الاستجابة أو تعذر ترقية قاعدة البيانا

ماذا علي أن أفعل ، إذا لم يتم تشغيل البرنامج أو الاستجابة أو تعذر ترقية قاعدة البيانات (DB)

What should I do, if program is not run, respond or can not upgrade data base (DB)

You can turn off windows firewall and antivirus before run any program

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]1. Turn off windows firewall and network protection

a) Domain network - OFF,

b) Private network- OFF,

c) Public network - OFF,

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR="#EE82EE"]2. Windows security

a) Virus ad Thread protection - OFF,

b) Firewall and network protection- OFF,

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]3. Microsoft defender firewall- OFF

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR="#0000FF"]4. Antivirus (All types) - OFF
لا يمكن تنزيل الملف من منطقة دعم أداة Hydra

لا يمكن تنزيل الملف من منطقة دعم أداة Hydra

Can't download file from support area of Hydra Tool

هذه ليست مشكلة أو قضية. ما عليك القيام به "النقر المزدوج" لتنزيل الملف
This is not a problem or issue. You need to do "double click" to download the file
تواجه أو حصلت على خطأ ، مثل "Exciting Exploit ..."

تواجه أو حصلت على خطأ ، مثل "Exciting Exploit ..."

If you faced an error such as "Excuting Exploit

الحد الأدنى من متطلبات تشغيل Hydra Tool هو تثبيت windows 7 مع SP 2. إذا كنت تستخدم windows 7 مع SP (Service Pack 1) ، فستواجه خطأ مثل "Executing Exploit" وما إلى ذلك ، لذا نوصيك بتثبيت windows 10 أو ما يعادلها

The minimum requirement to run Hydra Tool is to install windows 7 with SP 2. If you are using windows 7 with SP (Service Pack 1), you will face error such as "Executing Exploit" etc. So, we recommend you to install windows 10 or equivalent of this
كيف تأخذ الجهاز في meta mode أو Broom Mode

كيف تأخذ الجهاز في meta mode أو Broom Mode

How to take device into meta mode/ Broom Mode

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]1. Press and hold + (plus) volume button and - (minus) volume button together and insert USB cable into device (Cellphone / Mobile).

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR="#008000"]2. You can see Meta mode on device screen.
كيف تأخذ الجهاز في - وضع التحميل Preloader mode

كيف تأخذ الجهاز في - وضع التحميل Preloader mode

How to take device into Preloader mode

Just insert the USB cable to the device (Cellphone / mobile)
كيفية تمكين وضع FastBoot لأي جهاز

كيفية تمكين وضع FastBoot لأي جهاز

How to Enable FastBoot Mode of any device

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]1. Power of / Turn off device (cellpone / mobile)
2. Press Volume Plus (+) and Power button together
3. Hole it On few second. That's All.

Note: You can disable fastboot mode just pressing power button 15 seconds
حل "الرجاء فلترة الجهاز ..... وتشغيل استغلال مرة أخرى".

حل "الرجاء فلترة الجهاز ..... وتشغيل استغلال مرة أخرى"

Solution for "Please filter the device.....and run exploid again

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]1. Please tick "[COLOR="#008000"]Enable BROM exploit[/COLOR]" on the top near Auto Loader. Do not forget this one.
2. Second step is not (don't) to disconnect device (cellphone /mobile) from computer or laptor (PC), and notice that is detected as "MTK Preloader Device(or MTK USB Port)".
3. Now, go to the folder--> [COLOR="#FF0000"]Hydratool/lib/libusb[/COLOR] filter installer.
4. Install it and open it as for filter device.
5. Select MTK USB port once again.
6. And close it.
7. Reconnect the device (cellphone / mobile) once again and try.
كيفية إصلاح IMEI لـ Xiaomi Redmi 8 (زيتوني) بدون فتح محمل Bootloader و Root

كيفية إصلاح IMEI لـ Xiaomi Redmi 8 (زيتوني) بدون فتح محمل Bootloader و Root

How to Repair IMEI of Xiaomi Redmi 8 (olive) Without Unlock Bootloader and Root

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]1. Goto Qualcomm Module
2. Select Brand and Model
3. Connect your device at EDL (Testpoint) Mode
3. Select Partitions, Select Method Erase Security and execute
4. after erase security from top right of the tool connection diag
5. *#*#717717#*#* Enable Diag, connect usb, from rsa method repair imei
كيفية إزالة حساب Mi من أجهزة MTK

كيفية إزالة حساب Mi من أجهزة MTK

How to remove Mi Account of MTK devices

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]1. Run Hydra MTK module.
2. Choose "SOCs" Type of Phone ( not Feature).
3. Choose Brand as "XIAOMI"
4. Choose module from drop down list (Example: Redmi 6(Cactus) etc.)
5. From "Tool" menu choose "Read system info" and click ''Boot/Info"
6. Wait until you see the information of your device (Cellphone / Mobile)
7. Choose "Xiaom" from Special Function from "Tool" menu.
8. Choose one of them from drop down menu from "Method / Option":
a) Remove Mi Account (Erased Method)
b) Remove Mi Account (Patched Method)
c) Remove Mi Account (Erase Method) + FRP
9. Click "Execute" Button.
10. Connect turned off device with the help of Data Cable to computer.
11. Wait until the process is completed.
12. That's all.

(Note: Talking about Android 9 and above versions of Xiomi devices, Find My Device should be OFF. If it is ON, device will be relock when you connect to wifi
Device like Redmi Note 8, Note 7, Redmi 8A, 7A, you need 3rd party VPN apps for anti-relock such as drony.apk e.t.c

كيفية استعادة حساب Mi لأجهزة MTK

كيفية استعادة حساب Mi لأجهزة MTK

How to Restore Mi Account of MTK devices

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]1. Run Hydra MTK module.
2. Choose "SOCs" Type of Phone ( not Feature).
3. Choose Brand as "XIAOMI"
4. Choose module from drop down list (Example: Redmi 6(Cactus) etc.)
5. From "Tool" menu choose "Read system info" and click ''Boot/Info"
6. Wait until you see the information of your device (Cellphone / Mobile)
7. Choose "Xiaom" from Special Function from "Tool" menu.
8. Choose the "Restore Mi Account" from drop down menu of "Method / Option":
9. Click "Execute" Button.
10. Connect turned off device with the help of Data Cable to computer.
11. Wait until the process is completed.
12. That's all.

(Note: Restore Mi Account restore the Xiami Mi Account if it is already disabled. Now, device is locked with Mi Account. Talking about Android 9 and above versions of Xiomi devices, you can downgrade MIUI version to lower version that software supports​
كيفية إزالة Xiaomi MTK Find Device "ON

كيفية إزالة Xiaomi MTK Find Device "ON

How to Remove Xiaomi's MTK "Find Device" ON

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]1. Run Hydra MTK module.
2. Choose "SOCs" Type of Phone ( not Feature).
2. Choose Brand as "XIAOMI"
3. Choose module from drop down list (Example: Redmi 6(Cactus) etc.)
4. From "Tool" menu choose "Read system info" and click ''Boot/Info"
5. Wait until you see the information of your device (Cellphone / Mobile)
6. Choose "Xiaom" from Special Function from "Tool" menu.
7. Choose the "Remove Find Device" from drop down menu of "Method / Option":
8. Click "Execute" Button.
9. Connect turned off device with the help of Data Cable to computer.
10. Wait until the process is completed.
11. That's all.

(Note: Turn off find device disables the Xiami Find Device ON to OFF. User can not find his device even he checks it ONLINE
Talking about Android 9 and above versions of Xiomi devices, Find My Device should be OFF. If it is ON, device will be relock when you connect to wifi
Device like Redmi Note 8, Note 7, Redmi 8A, 7A, you need 3rd party VPN apps for anti-relock such as drony.apk e.t.c​
كيفية فورمات Oppo Reno 3

كيفية فورمات Oppo Reno 3

How to Format of Oppo Reno 3

[B][FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3]1. Run Hydra MTK module.
2. Choose "SOCs" Type of Phone ( not Feature).
3. Choose Brand as "Oppo"
4. Choose module as "Reno 3 (CPH 2043)" from drop down list.
5. Go to "Tool" menu and choose "Read system info" and click on "Boot / Info"
7. Wait until you see the information of your device (Cellphone / Mobile)
8. Choose "Factory Reset/Format User Data"
9. Choose one of the ooptions from "Method / Option" or drop down menu
a. auto b. safe format c. Safe Format Master Clear 1 d. Safe Format Master Clear 2
e. Erase User Data f. Zerowipe User data g. Rebuilt User Data
10. Click "Execute" Button.
11. Connect turned off device with the help of Data Cable to computer
12. Wait until the process is completed.
13. That's all.
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.