تم ازالة FRP لجهاز
الجهاز فيه مشكل الويفي لا يشتغل ربما بسبب سوفت
لوغ العملية :
Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version
Card S/N : 0000003DDD
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM80
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: X510EW
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable
(with 910k resistor)
Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and
connect USB cable.
Phone found at port COM79
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Model ID: LM-X510ZW
Platform: mt6750
Android version: 8.0.0
SW version: LMX510ZWAT-00-V10b-AME-XX-JUL-27-2018+0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CT68S180812003496
Target operator: LAO
Hardware: rev_10
Battery level: 13%
Reading partitions...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
Bluetooth address: 00:57:C1:07:CC:46
Wi-Fi MAC address: 00:57:C1:A8:36:13
SPC: 000000
Performed by Software version.
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM79
Selected baudrate: 0
Selected model: X510EW
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable
(with 910k resistor)
Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and
connect USB cable.
Phone found at port COM79
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Model ID: LM-X510ZW
Platform: mt6750
Android version: 8.0.0
SW version: LMX510ZWAT-00-V10b-AME-XX-JUL-27-2018+0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CT68S180812003496
IMEI: 355389-09-010883-6
Target operator: LAO
Hardware: rev_10
Battery level: 13%
Reading partitions...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
Bluetooth address: 00:57:C1:07:CC:46
Wi-Fi MAC address: 00:57:C1:A8:36:13
SPC: 000000
Connecting to server...OK
Octopus smart card is present.
Checking smart card...OK
Username: royal47000
Checking balance...OK
Checking operation...OK
Sending device information...OK
Get credits, needed for current operation...OK
Your balance: 680 credits.
To perform "Reset FRP" operation you need to have 100 credits.
Prepairing for change protect status...
Initializing flash...OK
Removing write protection...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Resetting FRP Lock...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Prepairing for change protect status...
Initializing flash...OK
Restore write protection...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Resetting FRP lock successfully completed!
Performed by Software version.

تكلفة العملية