تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

.:: Sebti _ Gsm ::.

:: مراقب قسم بوكسات الجيتاق JTAG ::
30 ديسمبر 2015
مستوى التفاعل

تم بعون الله تصليح بوت LG V10_H901 على Medusa Pro

اولا الجهاز فقد البوت بعد تمرير Firmware غير متوافقة
كان يحمل هذا الاصدار SW version: LGH901AT-00-V10c-GLOBAL-US-OCT-28-2015+0
وبعد تمرير Firmware: H90130c_00_0914.kdz "فقد الوعي" فقد البوت.

تم استعادة البوت عن طريق USB فقط. عبر خاصية Factory repair باستعمال Firmware: WEB_H90021w_00_0921.kdz

[LEFT][B][SIZE=2]Welcome to Medusa Pro Software version 2.0.3. 
Reader #0: Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0
Reader #1: Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 1
Reader #2: Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 2

Model Settings:
Interface : USB
Core      : Qualcomm MSM8992
Loader    : QLoader_v1

Sending loader...OK.
Loader not initialized. Loader is not suitable for this device.

Model Settings:
Interface : USB
Core      : Qualcomm MSM8992
Loader    : QLoader_v1

Sending loader...OK.
Loader not initialized. Loader is not suitable for this device.

Model Settings:
Interface : USB
Core      : Qualcomm MSM8992
Loader    : QLoader_v1

Sending loader...OK.
Loader not initialized. Loader is not suitable for this device.

Model Settings:
Interface : USB
Core      : Qualcomm MSM8992
Loader    : QLoader_v2

Sending loader...[COLOR="#008000"]OK[/COLOR].
[COLOR="#008000"]Loader successfully initialized.[/COLOR]

Device       : [COLOR="#008000"]CoreID_009690E1[/COLOR]
Core         : [COLOR="#008000"]Qualcomm MSM8992[/COLOR]
Page size    : [COLOR="#008000"]512 B[/COLOR]
Block size   :[COLOR="#008000"] 512 B[/COLOR]
Block count  :[COLOR="#008000"] 122142720[/COLOR]
Size         : [COLOR="#008000"]58.24 GB (59640.00 MB)[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#008000"]Connect successful.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#0000FF"]SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.[/COLOR]
P00: GPT              (00000000, 00800000)	8 MB
P01: modem            (00800000, 05600000)	86 MB
P02: spare1           (05E00000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P03: pmic             (06000000, 00080000)	512 KB
P04: sbl1             (06080000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P05: tz               (06180000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P06: sdi              (06280000, 00080000)	512 KB
P07: hyp              (06300000, 00080000)	512 KB
P08: rpm              (06380000, 00080000)	512 KB
P09: aboot            (06400000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P10: sbl1bak          (06600000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P11: pmicbak          (06700000, 00080000)	512 KB
P12: hypbak           (06780000, 00080000)	512 KB
P13: tzbak            (06800000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P14: rpmbak           (06900000, 00080000)	512 KB
P15: abootbak         (06980000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P16: sdibak           (06B80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P17: limits           (06C00000, 00080000)	512 KB
P18: apdp             (06C80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P19: msadp            (06D00000, 00080000)	512 KB
P20: dpo              (06D80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P21: spare2           (06E00000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P22: persistent       (07000000, 00080000)	512 KB
P23: devinfo          (07080000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P24: spare3           (07180000, 00680000)	6.5 MB
P25: misc             (07800000, 01000000)	16 MB
P26: persist          (08800000, 02000000)	32 MB
P27: modemst1         (0A800000, 00180000)	1536 KB
P28: modemst2         (0A980000, 00180000)	1536 KB
P29: fsg              (0AB00000, 00180000)	1536 KB
P30: fsc              (0AC80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P31: ssd              (0AD00000, 00080000)	512 KB
P32: keystore         (0AD80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P33: DDR              (0AE00000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P34: sec              (0B000000, 00080000)	512 KB
P35: encrypt          (0B080000, 00080000)	512 KB
P36: eksst            (0B100000, 00080000)	512 KB
P37: rct              (0B180000, 00080000)	512 KB
P38: spare4           (0B200000, 00600000)	6 MB
P39: laf              (0B800000, 03000000)	48 MB
P40: boot             (0E800000, 02800000)	40 MB
P41: recovery         (11000000, 02800000)	40 MB
P42: drm              (13800000, 00A00000)	10 MB
P43: sns              (14200000, 00600000)	6 MB
P44: mpt              (14800000, 02000000)	32 MB
P45: eri              (16800000, 00800000)	8 MB
P46: raw_resources    (17000000, 00400000)	4 MB
P47: raw_resourcesbak (17400000, 00400000)	4 MB
P48: operatorlogging  (17800000, 01000000)	16 MB
P49: factory          (18800000, 02E00000)	46 MB
P50: spare5           (1B600000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P51: fota             (1B800000, 00A00000)	10 MB
P52: fau              (1C200000, 00E00000)	14 MB
P53: system           (1D000000, 10BC00000)	4.184 GB
P54: cache            (128C00000, 19000000)	400 MB
P55: userdata         (141C00000, D4DB00000)	53.21 GB
P56: grow             (E8F700000, 000FBE00)	1008 KB
Backuping modemst1 partition... 
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/_modemst1_0x54000_0xc00_30_03_2020_22_18_32.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00 
SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.
Backuping modemst2 partition... 
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/_modemst2_0x54c00_0xc00_30_03_2020_22_18_32.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00 
SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.
Backuping fsg partition... 
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/_fsg_0x55800_0xc00_30_03_2020_22_18_32.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00 
SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.
Opening C:/Users/HOCINE/Downloads/[COLOR="#0000FF"]WEB_H90021w_00_0921.kdz[/COLOR] file...
Write data verification is enabled.
Writing. Please wait...
Writing partition PrimaryGPT...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition modem...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition pmic...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition sbl1...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition tz...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition sdi...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition hyp...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition rpm...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition aboot...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition sbl1bak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition pmicbak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition hypbak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition tzbak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition rpmbak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition abootbak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition sdibak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition persist...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition sec...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition rct...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition laf...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition boot...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition recovery...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition raw_resources...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition raw_resourcesbak...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition factory...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
Writing partition BackupGPT...	[COLOR="#008000"]Done[/COLOR].
[COLOR="#008000"]Writing is finished.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#0000FF"]SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

انشاء ملف SRF
[LEFT][B][SIZE=2]Welcome to Medusa Pro Software version 2.0.3. 
Reader #0: Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0

Model Settings:
Interface : USB
Core      : Qualcomm MSM8992
Loader    : QLoader_v1

Sending loader...OK.
Loader not initialized. Loader is not suitable for this device.

Model Settings:
Interface : USB
Core      : Qualcomm MSM8992
Loader    : QLoader_v2

Sending loader...OK.
Loader successfully initialized.

Device       : CoreID_009690E1
Core         : Qualcomm MSM8992
Page size    : 512 B
Block size   : 512 B
Block count  : 122142720
Size         : 58.24 GB (59640.00 MB)
Connect successful.
SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.
P00: GPT              (00000000, 00800000)	8 MB
P01: modem            (00800000, 05600000)	86 MB
P02: spare1           (05E00000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P03: pmic             (06000000, 00080000)	512 KB
P04: sbl1             (06080000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P05: tz               (06180000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P06: sdi              (06280000, 00080000)	512 KB
P07: hyp              (06300000, 00080000)	512 KB
P08: rpm              (06380000, 00080000)	512 KB
P09: aboot            (06400000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P10: sbl1bak          (06600000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P11: pmicbak          (06700000, 00080000)	512 KB
P12: hypbak           (06780000, 00080000)	512 KB
P13: tzbak            (06800000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P14: rpmbak           (06900000, 00080000)	512 KB
P15: abootbak         (06980000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P16: sdibak           (06B80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P17: limits           (06C00000, 00080000)	512 KB
P18: apdp             (06C80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P19: msadp            (06D00000, 00080000)	512 KB
P20: dpo              (06D80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P21: spare2           (06E00000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P22: persistent       (07000000, 00080000)	512 KB
P23: devinfo          (07080000, 00100000)	1024 KB
P24: spare3           (07180000, 00680000)	6.5 MB
P25: misc             (07800000, 01000000)	16 MB
P26: persist          (08800000, 02000000)	32 MB
P27: modemst1         (0A800000, 00180000)	1536 KB
P28: modemst2         (0A980000, 00180000)	1536 KB
P29: fsg              (0AB00000, 00180000)	1536 KB
P30: fsc              (0AC80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P31: ssd              (0AD00000, 00080000)	512 KB
P32: keystore         (0AD80000, 00080000)	512 KB
P33: DDR              (0AE00000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P34: sec              (0B000000, 00080000)	512 KB
P35: encrypt          (0B080000, 00080000)	512 KB
P36: eksst            (0B100000, 00080000)	512 KB
P37: rct              (0B180000, 00080000)	512 KB
P38: spare4           (0B200000, 00600000)	6 MB
P39: laf              (0B800000, 03000000)	48 MB
P40: boot             (0E800000, 02800000)	40 MB
P41: recovery         (11000000, 02800000)	40 MB
P42: drm              (13800000, 00A00000)	10 MB
P43: sns              (14200000, 00600000)	6 MB
P44: mpt              (14800000, 02000000)	32 MB
P45: raw_resources    (16800000, 00400000)	4 MB
P46: raw_resourcesbak (16C00000, 00400000)	4 MB
P47: factory          (17000000, 02E00000)	46 MB
P48: spare5           (19E00000, 00200000)	2048 KB
P49: fota             (1A000000, 00A00000)	10 MB
P50: fau              (1AA00000, 00E00000)	14 MB
P51: system           (1B800000, 10BC00000)	4.184 GB
P52: cache            (127400000, 4D000000)	1232 MB
P53: userdata         (174400000, D1B300000)	52.42 GB
P54: grow             (E8F700000, 000FBE00)	1008 KB
Backuping modemst1 partition... 
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/_modemst1_0x54000_0xc00_31_03_2020_13_46_35.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00 
SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.
Backuping modemst2 partition... 
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/_modemst2_0x54c00_0xc00_31_03_2020_13_46_35.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00 
SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.
Backuping fsg partition... 
Opening C:/Program Files (x86)/Medusa Pro Software/Backups/_fsg_0x55800_0xc00_31_03_2020_13_46_35.bin file...
Reading. Please wait... Done.
Elapsed time 00:00:00 
SW: 2.0.3; FW: 1.24.
Added partition GPT to constructor file.
Added partition modem to constructor file.
Added partition spare1 to constructor file.
Added partition pmic to constructor file.
Added partition sbl1 to constructor file.
Added partition tz to constructor file.
Added partition sdi to constructor file.
Added partition hyp to constructor file.
Added partition rpm to constructor file.
Added partition aboot to constructor file.
Added partition sbl1bak to constructor file.
Added partition pmicbak to constructor file.
Added partition hypbak to constructor file.
Added partition tzbak to constructor file.
Added partition rpmbak to constructor file.
Added partition abootbak to constructor file.
Added partition sdibak to constructor file.
Added partition limits to constructor file.
Added partition apdp to constructor file.
Added partition msadp to constructor file.
Added partition dpo to constructor file.
Added partition spare2 to constructor file.
Added partition persistent to constructor file.
Added partition devinfo to constructor file.
Added partition spare3 to constructor file.
Added partition misc to constructor file.
Added partition persist to constructor file.
Added partition modemst1 to constructor file.
Added partition modemst2 to constructor file.
Added partition fsg to constructor file.
Added partition fsc to constructor file.
Added partition ssd to constructor file.
Added partition keystore to constructor file.
Added partition DDR to constructor file.
Added partition sec to constructor file.
Added partition encrypt to constructor file.
Added partition eksst to constructor file.
Added partition rct to constructor file.
Added partition spare4 to constructor file.
Added partition laf to constructor file.
Added partition boot to constructor file.
Added partition recovery to constructor file.
Added partition drm to constructor file.
Added partition sns to constructor file.
Added partition mpt to constructor file.
Added partition raw_resources to constructor file.
Added partition raw_resourcesbak to constructor file.
Added partition factory to constructor file.
Added partition spare5 to constructor file.
Added partition fota to constructor file.
Added partition fau to constructor file.
Added partition grow to constructor file.
SRF "C:/Users/HOCINE/Desktop/LG_H901.srf" has been installed successfully.[/SIZE][/B][/LEFT]

تحمل ملف SRF من هنـــــــــــــــا
بعد إستعادة البوت. تم التفليش باستعمال نفس الـ WEB_H90021w_00_0921.kdz Firmware على Octoplus LG

تم بعون الله
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

جزاك الله خيرا اخ سبتي بارك الله فيك
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

السلام عليكم

بارك الله فيك أخي سبتي موضوع ممتاز أحسنت تقييم 10/10 شكراً لك
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

عليكم السلام ورحمة الله

يعطيك الصحة خويا السبتي
وفيت و كفيت ... بارك الله فيك
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك أخي سبتي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك أخي سبتي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك اخي سبتي اتقان وتنظيم في العمل
للتثبيت ***********
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

جزاك الله خيرا اخي سبتي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك على الموضوع الحصري
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك أخي سبتي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك أخي سبتي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

السلام عليكم
بارك الله فيك على مشاركة التجربة.

( صــارْ آههه ..... فقد الوعي، :up: )
الله الموفق.
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيكم جميــعــا
سعدت بتعليقاتكم
شكر لكم
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك اخي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك اخي سبتي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

جزاك الله خير يااخي
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله
وفقكم الله لما يحبه ويرضاه
وصلت المعلومة بإذن الله
شكراً شكراً شكراً
رد: تصليح بوت Repair boot LG V10_H901

بارك الله فيك اخي سبتي اتقان وتنظيم في العمل