تحديثات هنا توضع جميع تحديثات واجهة Octoplus Lg Tool (آخر اصدار 3.2.1)

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:: Super User ::, ,
15 مارس 2012
مستوى التفاعل

هنا توضع جميع تحديثات واجهة Octopus LG

Octopus Box LG v2.1.0 is out! Added world's first support for LG E400 cellphone!

Octopus Box LG Software v2.1.0 Release Notes:

  • LG E400 - added Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Bluetooth Address, Repair Security, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM - world's first.
  • LG C360, C365, C375 - improved Repair EEPROM procedure.
  • Released lots of improvements in the main software.

Download Octopus Box LG v2.0.0
موضوع متجدد تحديثات Octopus/Octoplus LG (أخر تحديث 2.0.3)


Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.1 Release Notes

Added support for the following models

LG P870 - added world's firstDirect Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Write Security Backup, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Read Phone Info.
LG P870P
- added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Write Security Backup, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Read Phone Info.
- added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Read/Write NVM, Read Phone Info. (in Test Mode).Improved Direct Unlock, Read Codes and Repair IMEI procedures for LG A270, LG A270E and LG A275.

Added Software manuals for supported phones.
Released some improvements to the main software.

Octopus - still
the best delivering world's first solutions!

Download Octopus Box LG v2.4.1
التعديل الأخير:
Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.2 -World's First support for LG E970,E976 and much more!

Added world's first support for LG E970, E971, E973, E975, E975K, E976 and E977 cell phones

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.2

- Added support for the following models:

LG E970 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
LG E971 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
LG E973 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
LG E975 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
LG E975K - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
LG E976 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
LG E977 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair NVM.

- Added Software manuals for supported phones.
- Released some improvements to the main software.

Octopus - givin' you the best and
world's first solutions since 2009

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.2
التعديل الأخير:
Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.3!World's first support for LG L-01E,L21,F180K and more

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.3

World's first Support for LG L-01E,L21,F180K and more

Added (world's first test mode) support for LG L-01E, L21, F180K, F180L and F180S cell phones

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.3

- Added support for the following models:

LG L-01E - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair NVM (all in test mode - world's first).
LG L21 - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair NVM (all in test mode - world's first).
LG F180K - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair NVM (all in test mode - world's first).
LG F180L - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair NVM (all in test mode - world's first).
LG F180S - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair NVM (all in test mode - world's first).

- Added Software manuals for supported phones.
- Released some improvements to the main software.

If you own one of these phones, we'll be grateful if you'd share the results of the listed above procedures.

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.3

Octopus Box LG v2.4.4

Octopus Box LG v2.4.4

added world's first Write Security Backup option for a wide range of LG phones


Added support for the following models:

LG E970 -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG E971 -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG E973 -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG E975 -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG E975K -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG E976 -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG E977 -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG L-01E -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG L21 -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG F180K -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG F180L -
added world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
LG F180S -
world's first Write Security Backup,Read Full Flash(Dump NAND),improved Unlock procedure
Released many improvements to the main software.

We're still working hard on improving the software and we're very grateful to our customers for the support and contribution to the project.

Download Octopus Box LG v2.4.4
Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.5

Added world's first support for LG E975Rand LG S360

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.5

- Added support for the following models:

LG E975R - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI
Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND).
LG S360 - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Full Flash.

- Added software manuals for supported phones.
- Released some improvements to the main software.

world's first, only the best solutions for your business - it's all Octopus

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.5
Octopus Box LG v2.4.6 - featuring LG A271 and P768N!

Added world's first support for LG A271 and LG P768N! Also added support for LG P500GO, P505P and P509P

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.6

- Added support for the following models:

LG A271 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI
Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read/Write Full Flash, Read Phone Info

LG P768N - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
P500GO - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Firmware
Read Full Flash, Read/Write/Repair NVM

P505P - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Firmware
Read Full Flash, Read/Write/Repair NVM

P509P - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Firmware
Read Full Flash, Read/Write/Repair NVM

- Added software manuals for supported phones.
- Released some improvements to the main software.

Non-stop updates every week! 820+ supported LG phones
and the number is growing with every version of Octopus

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.6

Octopus Box LG v2.4.7 - added dead boot repair by USB for some phones!

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.7(المفاجئة الجميلة إصلاح بوت بعض الموديلات بدون جيتاج)

لمن ليس لديهم البوكس يمكنكم الإطلاع على هذا الموضوع:

حصري : إستعادة بوت أجهزة LG Optimus و LG Pradaبـدون Jtag

Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag, only via P999 USB cable
and Write Firmware for the following LG phone models:
P920, P920H, P925, 925G,
P925P, P929, SU760, P940, P940h, L-02D, KU5400, SU540, P720, P720h, P725, SU870

- Added support for the following models:

P920 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P920H - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P925 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P925G - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P925P - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P929 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
SU760 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P940 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P940h - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
L-02D - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
KU5400 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
SU540 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P720 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P720h - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
P725 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag), Write Firmware
SU870 - added Dead Boot Repair (without Jtag
), Write Firmware

- Improved Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair Security, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
procedures for
LG P700, P705, P705f, P705g, P705GO, P708g.
- Added software manuals for supported phones.
- Lots of firmware versions were uploaded to the Support Area.
- Released some improvements to the main software.
Note! To perform Repair Dead Boot, you need to install OMAP drivers
and use
LG P999
cable (with with 910k resistor inside).

Octopus - still the best and easiest to use solutions! And, what's most important, regular updates every week!
N.B.: Thanks to mr. wkpark for some hints

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.7
Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.8

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.8

- Added support for the following models:

LG P710 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Write Security Backup, Read/Write NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock
(included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG P712 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND),
Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG P713 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND),
Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG P714 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND),
Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG P715 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).
LG P716 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND),
Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG C333 - added Write Firmware

- Added software manuals for supported phones.
- Released many improvements to the main software.

Octopus Box - the one and only tool that brings you world's first solutions at least once a week!Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.8
Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.9

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.9

world's first support for LG E425, E425F, E425G, E425J, E430, E431G, E435, E435F, E435G

Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.9

- Added support for the following models:

LG E425 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E425F - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E425G - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E425J - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E430 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E431G - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E435 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E435F - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

LG E435G - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware
Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM,
Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).

- Added software manuals for supported phones.
- Released many improvements to the main software.

Octopus - it's tons of features,
world's first supported devices
, qualified support,
satisfied customers, requested updates and there's going to be more and more! Stay with us!

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.4.9
Octopus Box LG Software v2.5.0

Octopus Box LG Software v2.5.0

- Added support for the following models:

LG E975T - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND).
LG P778G - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
LG P769BKGO1 - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
LG P895 - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in test mode).
LG P895QB - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in test mode).
LG P880 - added Write Firmware
LG P880g - added Write Firmware

- Added software manuals for supported phones.
- Released many improvements to the main software.

Octopus Box - still
world's first, still the best tool for the most recent LG devices!

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.5.0
Octopus Box LG Software v2.5.1

Octopus Box LG Software v2.5.1

world's first support for LG E435K, E975G, E975W and additional support for LG P760,
P765, P768, P768e, P768f, Pt68g, P768n, P769, P769BK, P769BKGO, P769BKGO1, P778G!

- Added support for the following models:

LG E435K - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks

LG E975G - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND

LG E975W - added world's first Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND

LG P760 - added Write Firmware
LG P765 - added Write Firmware
LG P768 - added Write Firmware
LG P768e - added Write Firmware
LG P768f - added Write Firmware
LG P768g - added Write Firmware
LG P768n - added Write Firmware
LG P769 - added Write Firmware
LG P769BK - added Write Firmware
LG P769BKGO - added Write Firmware
LG P769BKGO1 - added Write Firmware
LG P778G - added Write Firmware
LG T500 - improved Connection procedure

- Added software manuals for supported phones.
- Released many improvements to the main software.
- New firmwares were uploaded to Support Area.

Octopus Box supports most of the recent LG mobiles giving you
world's first updates every week
and still the best is yet to come!

Download Octopus Box LG Software v2.5.1
توحيد ترقيم التحديثات بين Octopus و Octoplus

Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.3

Added support for the following models:

LG E980 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security
Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND).
LG E455 - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash
LG E455F - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash
LG E455G - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash
LG E450 - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG E450B - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG E450F - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG E450G - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG E450J - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG E451G - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG E460 - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG E460F - added world's first Read Codes, Read EEPROM, Read Full Flash (all in Test Mode
LG P713GO - added Direct Unlock, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security
Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock
(included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks).
LG P760 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P765 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P768 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P768e - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P768f - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P768g - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P768n - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P769 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P769BK - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P769BKGO - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P769BKGO1 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P778G - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P970 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P970G - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P970H - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P970N - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG L-07C - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG KU5900
- added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
* LG E970, E971, E973, E975, E975G, E975K, E975R, E975T, E975W, E976, E977 - improved Repair IMEI procedure.
* Added software manuals for supported phones.
* Released many improvements to the main software.
* New firmwares were uploaded to Support Area.

Note! To reset phone's Screen Lock for the mentioned above phones, just press "Reset Screen Lock" button and
follow the software instructions. There is NO NEED to enable USB DEBUGGING!

Dear users, as you've already might noticed, Octopus and Octoplus software are compatible
with each other. Thus,
since May 31 we've decided to merge Octopus and Octoplus LG/Samsung programs in order
to reduce the number of software and avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Owners of mentioned above
boxes should use the same installer. Also all Octopus Box owners can use Octoplus ***** software with all
its servicing features.

No matter how good is your best, there's always room for improvement. And this time it's huge!
Not only we've managed to give you a dozens of
world's first updates in a row, but this time
it's got bigger and hotter, and guess what, it's just a beginning!

Download Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.3
Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.4

Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.4

world's first support for:

LG E410g, E985, E986, E987, E988

Additional support for:

LG P720, P720h, P725, P920, P920H, P925, P925G, P925P, P929, P940,
P940h, L-02D, SU540, SU760, SU870, SU870, KU5400 and more!

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.4 Release Notes

  • Added support for the following models:
- LG E410g - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address
LG E410g - Write Firmware, Write Security Backup, Dump NAND, Read/Write/Repair NVM
LG E410g - Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin and Pattern locks
LG E985 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
LG E985 - Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
LG E986 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
LG E986 - Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
LG E987 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
LG E987 - Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
LG E988 - added world's first
Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
LG E988 - Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
LG P720 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P720h - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P725 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P920 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P920H - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P925 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P925G - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P925P - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P929 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P940 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG P940h - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG L-02D - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG SU540 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG SU760 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG SU870 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account
LG KU5400 - added Reset Screen Lock (included Reset Password, Pin, Pattern locks, Reset Google Account

  • Added software manuals for supported phones.
  • Released some improvements to the main software.

Note! To reset phone's Screen Lock for the mentioned above phones, just press "Reset Screen Lock"
button and follow the software instructions. There is

While others enjoy their summer vacations, we work hard to give you phone servicing solutions you deserve!
And still the best is yet to come!

Download Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.4
Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.5 - added world's first support for LG F240K, F240L, F2

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.5 is out

Added world's first support for

LG F240K, F240L, F240S and L-04E!

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.5 Release Notes

Added support for the following models:

LG F240K - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND).
LG F240L - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND).
LG F240S - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND).
LG L-04E - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND).
LG E980 - added Write Firmware
LG E985 - added Write Firmware
LG E986 - added Write Firmware
LG E987 - added Write Firmware
LG E988
- added Write Firmware
Added software manuals for supported phones.
Released some improvements to the main software.

Dear users, as you've already might noticed, Octopus and Octoplus software are compatible with each other. Thus, we've decided to merge Octopus and Octoplus LG/Samsung programs in order to reduce the number of software and avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Owners of mentioned above boxes should use the same installer. Also all Octopus Box owners can use Octoplus ***** software with all its servicing features.

New hot stuff comes just in time for summer season - only recent LG phones, only
world's first updates and unique features!

Download Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.5
Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.6

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.6

world's first support for:

LG E980P and LG E989

world's firstDirect Unlock for:

LG E450, E450B, E450F, E450G, E450J, E451G, E455, E455F, E455G, E460, E460F

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.6 Release Notes

  • Added support for the following models:
- LG E980P - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security
LG E980P - Write Security Backup, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
LG E989 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security
LG E989 - Write Security Backup, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
LG E450 - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E450B - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E450F - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E450G - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E450J - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E451G - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E455 - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E455F - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E455G - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E460 - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM
LG E460F - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Write/Repair EEPROM

  • Added software manuals for supported phones.
  • Released some improvements to the main software.

Dear users, as you've already might noticed, Octopus and Octoplus software are compatible with each other.
Thus, we've decided to merge Octopus and Octoplus LG/Samsung programs in order to reduce the number of
software and avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Owners of mentioned above boxes should use the
same installer. Also all Octopus Box owners can use Octoplus ***** software with all its servicing features.

As hot as summer itself this updates is packed with unique
world's first
features and only recent phones,
everything to make you happy!

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.7

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.7

Added world's first full support for:

LG E410 and LG E410b

Added support for:

LG E470F and E970P

Added additional support (Write Firmware feature) for:

LG E450, E450B, E450F, E450G, E450J, E451G, E455, E455F, E455G, E460, E460F

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software v1.1.7 Release Notes

Added support for the following models:

- LG E410 - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address
- Read/Write/Repair NVM, Write Firmware, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock
- (including Reset Password, Pin and Pattern lock).
- LG E410b - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address
- Read/Write/Repair NVM, Write Firmware, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND), Reset Screen Lock
- (including Reset Password, Pin and Pattern lock).
- LG E470F - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Read Codes, Repair IMEI (A/B/C), Repair BT Address
- Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Write Firmware, Read Full Flash.
- LG E970P - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security, Write Security Backup
- Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND)
- LG E450 - added Write Firmware
LG E450B - added Write Firmware
LG E450F - added Write Firmware
LG E450G - added Write Firmware
LG E450J - added Write Firmware
LG E451G - added Write Firmware
LG E455 - added Write Firmware
LG E455F - added Write Firmware
LG E455G - added Write Firmware
LG E460 - added Write Firmware
- LG E460F - added Write Firmware

Added software manuals for supported phones.

Released some improvements to the main software.

Dear users, as you've already might noticed, Octopus and Octoplus software are compatible with each other.
Thus, we've decided to merge Octopus and Octoplus LG/Samsung programs in order to reduce the number of
software and avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Owners of mentioned above boxes should use the
same installer. Also all Octopus Box owners can use Octoplus ***** software with all its servicing features.

التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.8

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.8

world's first full support for:

LG E440F

Added support for:

LG E440, LG E440G, LG E445


  • Added support for the following models:
- LG E440F - added world's first Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
- Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Full Flash, Read Phone Info.
LG E440 - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Read Codes, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
- Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Full Flash, Read Phone Info.
LG E440G - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Read Codes, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address
- Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Full Flash, Read Phone Info.
LG E445 - added Direct Unlock (world's first), Read Codes, Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair BT Address
- Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Read Full Flash, Read Phone Info.

  • Added software manuals for supported phones.
  • Released some improvements to the main software.

Dear users, as you've already might noticed, Octopus and Octoplus software are compatible with each other.
Thus, we've decided to merge Octopus and Octoplus LG/Samsung programs in order to reduce the number of
software and avoid any misunderstandings in the future. Owners of mentioned above boxes should use the
same installer. Also all Octopus Box owners can use Octoplus ***** software with all its servicing features.

Octoplus/Octopus is always step ahead bringing you
world's first ideas for your professional appliance!

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.9

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.9

Added support for:

LG E610, E610GO, E610V, E612, E612F, E612G, E615, E615F and E617G, which have V20x firmware versions
(so, from now on all firmware versions are supported for these devices and there is no need to downgrade
the firmware from V20 to V10 to perform any operations with security area

Added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks) for:

LG E980, E980P, E985, E986, E987, E988, E989, F240K, F240L, F240S, L-04E


Added support for the following models:

- LG E610 - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E610GO - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E610v - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E612 - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E612F - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E612G - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E615 - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E615F - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI (A/B), Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E617G - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair Security, Repair BT Address, Write Security Backup
- Dump NAND (for phones, which have V20x firmware versions - from now all firmware versions are supported
LG E980 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG E980P - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG E985 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG E986 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG E987 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG E988 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG E989 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG F240K - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG F240L - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG F240S - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks
LG L-04E - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face locks

Added software manuals for supported phones.
Released some improvements to the main software.

Download Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.1.9
Octoplus/Octopus LG v1.2.0 - LG E467F, E980H, SU880

Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.2.0

world's first support for:

LG E467F, LG E980H and LG SU880

Also additional support for:

LG E970, E970P, E971, E973, E975, E975G, E975K, E975R, E975T, E975W, E976, E977, L-01E, L21, F180K,
F180S, F180L


Added support for the following models:

LG E467F - added world's first Direct Unlock, Read Codes, Repair IMEI (A/B
Repair BT Address, Write Firmware, Read Full Flash, Read/Write/Repair EEPROM
Read Phone Info
LG E980H - added world's first Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Repair Security
Write Security Backup, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM, Read Full Flash (Dump NAND
Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG SU880 - added Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Repair BT Address, Read Full Flash
Read/Write/Repair EEPROM, Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern
Google Lock) (thanks to Mr. Tundeoke
LG E970 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E970P - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E971 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E973 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E975 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E975G - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E975K - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E975R - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E975T - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E975W - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E976 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG E977 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG L-01E - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG L21 - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG F180K - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG F180S - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock
LG F180L - added Reset Screen Lock (including Reset Password, Pin, Pattern, Face Lock

Added software manuals for supported phones.
Released some improvements to the main software.

Download Octoplus/Octopus Box LG v1.2.0
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